A jester and I approached him to ask if he could direct us toward the sun or moon, if perhaps either resided in a nearby well-which made about as much sense in context as it did to you just now-and he responded, “Hurrah, princess, you came!” I told him that I was not in fact a princess, a rejoinder which caused him to erupt in tears, hands to eyes.

The Lady gave me a flute and the ability to fly.įinn, the faerie wizard, was the second person to start crying. I put my hands to my eyes, rubbing them and weeping, “Never shall I recover / The sun, the stars, and the moon!” Then the Lady of the Forest started telling me which way I should to go accomplish this feat, so that I might return to my own world, and so I stopped crying, and listened. His only real skill thus far was to glow when I pulled the left trigger, and so, caught up in the enormity of the situation, and my smallness within it, I just lost my shit.

The Lady of the Forest told me that the tiny blue blob that had been following me was her support for me on this quest. I touched the Lady of the Forest’s hand and was transported to a stained-glass history of the fantasy world in which I had found myself, a world which, I was learning, I was supposed to save. The first time I started crying in Child of Light, it was because I was overwhelmed.