Panzerkampfwagen VI Tigers (8,8 cm L/56) Ausf. Small modifications were continuously incorporated on armored vehicles and here included a rain guard over the binocular telescope in the gun mantlet, fitted in the field.One Tiger could - and sometimes did - chase an entire Allied battalion out of town. Additional track links have been fixed to the front of the tank because you never knew when you might need them to get home (fixing them was better than walking) and they provided some added protection for that vertical glacis plate. This is during maneuvers in May 1943 near the city of Kharkiv, in preparation for Operation Zitadelle. Tiger ‘114’ commanded by Alfred Rubbel of the 503rd Heavy Panzer Battalion (abbreviated s.Pz.Abt. German Tiger I Tunisia, 1943 (Photographer Linke, German Federal Archive).Nobody on the Allied side wanted to hear that distinctive rumble in the night, because they knew what they would face the next day. This action was covering the retreat from Leningrad.Nobody on the Allied side really looked forward to hearing that sound, especially if there were a whole bunch of them warming up. 13./SS-Panzer-Regiment 1 was a Schwere (heavy) Panzer-Kompanie of Panzer-Abteilung 502 equipped with Tiger tanks for the Leibstandarte Division which was established at Fallingbostel at the end of November 1942. This was one of the new replacement tanks that were delivered that month and has a small black 2 on the forward part of the turret and on the rear turret stowage box as a tactical identifier. During cold nights, it was common practice for their SS crews to start Tigers up every few hours and run them for fifteen minutes to keep things from freezing up.Ī 13./SS-Panzer-Regiment 1 Tiger Tank fires its main gun into enemy position to provide suppressive counterfire near Petrovka (east of Vinnytsia), Ukraine, February 1944. This was the temporary divisional insignia adopted before Operation Zitadelle to confuse enemy intelligence.But to the general public and the soldiers of its time, nothing approaches the Tiger Tank in terms of notoriety.Ī captured Tiger with signs of heavy use.Tigers were famous from the start. The tank is painted in Sand Yellow, over-sprayed with Red Brown and had the “Gnome” painted on the turret side. Tiger ‘S21’ of the Das Reich Division moves forward at Kursk to consolidate the positions on the exposed Russian steppe in July 1943.

so far colorized, Federal Archive).If you served in the military, sure, the tanks you personally worked with (and perhaps against) must seem like the best tanks ever and real world-beaters. Nothing else - not Panthers, not Leopards, not Shermans - even really comes close. Beast of the Battlefield A Tiger Tank ready to rumble.German Tiger Tanks are the most famous tanks of all time.